Chasing Tails: Studying the Furry Fandom (Again) – Confuzzled 2024

This last weekend I returned to Confuzzled to once again share directly with the community the academic research that is ongoing in the furry fandom. Last year, I packed out the room I was in and got a really warm response, and then this translated into an amazing event at Scotiacon too. So, I was greatly looking forward to returning to Confuzzled to bother furries with research.

This occasion though, based on where I am in my research journey, I had the ability to share the initial findings of this research with the community. First though, for the sake of those that might not have previously attended the talks, I set out the field as it currently stands and why furry studies needs to exist, such as the stigma faced by the community by both the general public and other fandoms.

Then I went onto a very early discussion around concepts of what exactly the fursona is. Several definitions exist for what it is, but it is only scratching the surface given the sheer scope of what the fursona is in practice. There isn’t a definitive answer to this, or at least there isn’t yet, but due to the fursona meaning different things to different individuals, it will not be an easy question to answer.

(Yes, I will look into this, I promise)

However, the main drive of the session this time was to share aspects of my research, or at least the initial findings. The basics so far have found that the furry fandom is a safe space according to my participants, but with significant caveats. Problems with accountability when it comes to bad actors in the fandom have come up often in terms of reasons, but conversely the fandom is actively described as a welcoming space.

I haven’t decided whether I will be returning to Confuzzled next year, but it is not through a lack of support as the fandom makes me feel so welcome every time I give talks, so you won’t have seen the last of me.

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